Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012 Part 2

Really? Prince Charming is calling for me?

Hello Prince, yes this is Princess Ella.

Oh Prince Charming, You're sooo funny!

Whats Up? Yea Im Princess Ella!!

So Happy Halloween is over!! Alex, Jade, Ella, and I went trick or treating last night for a bit.  They did really well.  Alex had no problems ringing door bells saying trick or treat and thank you.  Jade didn't like having to say anything at all.  Ella said trick or treat when asked to and sometimes I had to remind her to say thank you but for the most part she had that down! She didn't like houses with dogs barking and didn't go to the door if she suspected a dog might be there.  After an hour we headed home to meet up with Kato and pass out some candy ourselves.  The kids like handing it out almost as much as trick or treating for it.  Alex was a little bummed we were not able to hit up Water Street this year, hope they bring that back again sometime.  Kato took them over to the Eagle Inn for a bit more candy while I stayed home and made pizza.  Its fun going through all the kids' stuff to see what they got and to take out some "Mom Taxes."  You know a Reeses Peanut Butter cup for bad attitudes, Snickers for cleaning up dirty clothes, Twix for butt wipings, Baby Ruths for breakfast lunch dinner service, and Tootsie Rolls/Twizzlers/M&Ms for whatever else came to mind.  Not necessarily in that order or for that reason but Mom Taxes are like all taxes, made up at the last minute for my own personal benefit.  The kids are willing to share with me for the most part anyway.  Now its time to get all the Halloween vomit down and put away and make room for the Christmas vomit.  thanks for reading xoxo

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