Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving day was different this year.  Normally we would go to Keith and Jaynes and celebrate there but this year we had the feast here.  I got to bed about 2am and hoped I was ready for Thanksgiving day. I was nervous about cooking the turkey so I made sure to have it ready to go.  I set the timer on the oven to turn on at 4am.  When 5am came around I flew out of bed, without the alarm waking me up, to check to see if the oven was on.  It was, so I ran back to bed.  At 6am I woke up panicking, did I turn on the oven, I don't know if I did or was it a dream, it turns out I did so I ran back to bed.  At 7am I woke up freaking out about the turkey.  Did I check already, I couldn't remember if I did or if I thought I did but didn't.  I needed to make sure it was cooking.  I flew out of bed and checked.  It was fine. Turns out dementia starts in your 30's. By this time I was so frazzled I decided to just stay up and get started on the rest of the stuff.  I had prepared some things the day before so all I really needed to do was put it in a crock pot and turn it on.  Some things I had to make.  I made sticky buns and bacon for breakfast. I wanted to have some goodies that my grandma used to make so I fixed up some caramel bite pie things with homemade whipped cream.  Super yummy. I made stuffed apple pie apples too.  Turns out, once you polish off a 20 pound turkey, 10 pounds of mashed potatoes, 9 pounds of ham, gravy, corn, rolls, and super good stuffing that Jayne made, there is no room for desserts.  Note to self, next year leave room for desserts or eat desserts first.  Everything turned out fine and somewhere between my food baby and 8pm I decided to go shopping.  I hit up Target, Kohls, and the mall.  Got some good deals but mostly got tired.  I stopped shopping a little after 2am.  I had hoped to work off some of my feast but I am not so sure I did.  Oh well. Happy Thanks and Giving to all! thanks for reading xoxo

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