Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy 19 Years

Michael turned 19 years old.  How is that possible? I remember, vividly, him drinking from the hose at my parents house when he was 3.  I remember changing his diapers! He towers over me at 6'2" and there is no way I could possibly carry him for more then a couple of feet.  He is going to be a Marine.  He is going to become even more of a man then he is now.  Although I am very proud of all he has accomplished I am certainly excited to see what he does next.  Lately he has been taking Alex to the wrestling room and working with him one on one.  They bring in a couple other kids too so that when Alex starts wrestling he will be comfortable.  I love the brotherly bonding time they are experiencing.  Its something Alex will never forget and I know he is loving every minute of it.  Michael really is a pretty darn good kid! thanks for reading xoxo

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