Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Day

I could not sleep so at 5am I got out of bed and headed downstairs. Thank goodness TBS was showing 24 hours of a Christmas Story cause otherwise the only thing on was infomercials. Kato was up next at 7ish followed by Jade at 7:30. I had to wake up Alex, who sprang out of bed with a huge gasping "Santa come, Presents?" We yelled down to wake up Michael and the festivities began. The kids opened stockings, we ate cinnamon rolls, drank coffee, and opened the gifts under the tree. We left everything out and prepared for our travel to Green Bay. We left earlier then planned, about 10:00am. We got up there, had some lunch, went to the hotel, swam, and headed to the Grandparents house about 3:30. We visited, ate dinner, opened some gifts, and Jade got sick. Jade and I headed back to the hotel where she got worse. Kato, Michael, and Alex played the traditional ping pong challenge, and Kato won again! Jade woke up about 1am and didn't go back to sleep. Since it was only one night I didn't pack any tylenol and of course the front desk only had adult kind, so I headed out about 4am to find some. Lucky for me Kwik Trip is open 24 hours a day everyday. It was 4:30am by the time she got some meds and she was finally able to sleep. We got up around 7:30 had some free breakfast and the boys went swimming. We left about 10am, got home, unpacked, cleaned up all the gifts, and started breaking down christmas decorations. By Sunday the house showed no signs of Christmas and we watched the Packers beat down the Seattle Seahawks. It was a great weekend all in all and the kids were happy with their gifts. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas as well. thanks for reading xoxo

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was always special for us kids growing up cause we always got to open one present. This year I did that same tradition only I picked the gift and instead of having each kid open one we only opened one as a family. It was a book my grandmother recorded into, Twas the Night Before Christmas. These books are wonderful and I am glad I got my mom to help with it. My Grandma recorded herself telling the story into the book so when we turned the pages it was her voice reading the words. Everyone listened and it was so wonderful to hear her say at the end...Merry Christmas I love you, GG. It will be our tradition every year to share that book on Christmas Eve. Thank you Mom and Grandma for doing this for our family! Love you lots.

After the kids were asleep Santa brought the gifts, stuffed the stockings, and turned out the lights. Thank you Santa. Thanks for reading xoxo

Kinkos and the quirk

Kato and I went to Kinkos a few weeks back to get some copies. It was busy and everyone seemed to need help. There were about 3 people working and all were helping people. I knew what to do and started with my stuff. Kato helped by doing the cutting. While I was waiting for my printing to be done I saw an elderly lady wandering about looking for something. I asked her if she needed help finding something. She needed to pay for paper she used for printing her xmas letter on. I showed her where to stand in line to pay for it and stood there with her for a few minutes looking around to see if someone else was going to come to the register to ring people up. Since all the available employees were busy helping others I said its busy right now and she should just be patient and wait her turn. She was a little quirky and getting pissy. She was not having that. She said she is about ready to walk out the store. I said thats not a good idea and she should just wait in line like the others. Again I said its busy today and she just said something about it not being an excuse. I quickly said well I tried and walked away from that. A few minutes later as Kato and I watched her, she left the store without paying. WOW I thought...and old folks say us youngsters need to learn values, go figure!!! I bet Santa left coal in her stocking. thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus Celebration at Preschool

Friday night Alex had his Happy Birthday Jesus party at his preschool. The kids get all dressed up and recite poems, sign songs, and play the bells. This year was wonderful. Last year Alex was in the 3 year old class and he just stood there and did nothing, except play the bells. This year he was so serious about everything. He said his lines, sang the songs, played the bells and never cracked a smile! He was very serious and his concentration level was at maximum level. He decided to wear a suit vest with a white collar shirt, navy blue slacks and his dress shoes. He looked so handsome. I was very proud of him and how hard he worked at doing a good job. This is his last year at preschool so every thing he does is priceless to me. It was amazing how much he has grown over the past year and seeing him stand in front of everyone and put on the show was proof that he is growing up quick. Since Friday night he has decided that wearing a tie is very important so Saturday him and his dad went to St. Vincents where he picked out two ties. He wanted to get a new suit coat with more then two buttons and sleeves long enough to fit but he wasn't successful. We will be on the look out for one. Today at school he wore his tie. I am sure he will still slip on his Spiderman costumes but for now having him dress up everyday and every night is fine with me. I like him finding his own style and even if he decides to wear his spiderman costume with his tie and suit vest with cowboy boots a wolverine mask and Bucky Badger hat at least I know he is expressing himself and confident. Gotta love it cause one day it will all be over and all he will want are designer jeans and the car keys. thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, December 18, 2009

First OB visit

I went to the doctor on Wednesday morning. I wasn't expecting such a thorough visit but I guess it was better to just get everything done at once. I got weighed, peed in a cup, blood pressure was taken, questions were answered and I hadn't even seen the doc yet. After 45 minutes of everything else he finally came in. I was thinking it would only be 20 minutes but as it turned out he did a complete physical from head to toe and we listened to the baby's heartbeat. It took a few minutes to find it which is nerve racking! He decided to do an ultrasound too. I got dressed and headed to the U/S room. Thank goodness my ultrasound was an outie, all you moms know what I am talking about!! Anyway, I saw the baby and the heartbeat. The baby measured 8 weeks and 3 days which makes it due July 24th. After that I got a H1N1 flu shot and then sat for 30 minutes waiting to get my blood work done. All in all it was a 2 1/2 hours doc visit. The heartbeat was 162. I am thinking its a girl. In 12 weeks I will find out cause I will have another ultrasound. I pray for a healthy baby and delivery. I want to cherish every moment of this pregnancy cause it will be my last baby. I enjoy being pregnant and love being a mom. People have asked me why have more and some have said "I thought Jade was your last!" Well here is our way of thinking...we will never regret having our children but we may regret not having more. I am glad that I never finalized my reproductive organs when I had her and I can't wait to have this baby. Thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nugget is 5

Alex turned 5 yesterday. He was so excited cause all year he waits for his birthday. It is harder for him I think because most of his friends from daycare all have summer to early fall birthdays so he sees everyone else with cake and presents and wants it too. Anyway he wanted a spiderman cake, no surprise there, and presents right away. So Sunday we had a family party for him and Jayne made his cake and he always gets a birthday tree decorated special just for him, can you guess the theme? Spiderman!! Since he is soooo into superheros we found him an old school He-Man dvd set that has the first season of He-Man. He was so excited to get it. We also got him a superhero dvd that has all of his favorites minus spiderman and said it was from Jade, again super excited!! Michael gave him a pair of new shoes that we have yet to be able to remove from his feet. He loves them so much he wants to sleep in them. They are blue and white Nikes and he says they make him jump high and run fast. My Auntie Gail sent him Ice Age part 3 and my mom found these super cool action figures that are knights and horses. He really liked them too. Jayne and Keith got him candyland and chutes and ladders which he played yesterday with his dad. His friends Kale, Rylee, and Eli got him a soft and warm Batman blanket and tshirt, he loves it!! Liam and Luci got him a monster truck pack that has a batman truck and dvd. The neighbors gave him a spiderman lego set. He got some money which is in his savings now and now he is anxious for xmas. Hard to believe 5 years ago he was an 8 pound 10 ounce baby. I am very lucky to be able to say I didn't miss a thing. I got to see all his firsts, steps, teeth, words, rolls, jumps, climbs, everything! Happy Birthday Nugget, I love you very much! thanks for reading xoxo

I finally told

I finally grew some balls and told my mom that I am pregnant. I called her last Friday but she didn't call me back and since I was at Katos work party I didn't try calling her again. Finally Saturday evening I was able to get in touch with her. It turns out it wasn't as bad as I feared and she seemed happy but sad cause we live so far away from each other. In the end I also had to call my Auntie and my Grandma. So now the weight is lifted and I feel much better. Tomorrow I go to the doctors to find out exactly how far along I am and when I am due. You might think it is weird for someone to not know but it happens. I hope it all goes well. Will keep you posted. Thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, December 11, 2009

Michael wants to have a taste but was denied!!

Daddy says "Look Jade your cake is soooo big!" Jade knows how to play the so big game.

Jade shares her cake with Daddy.

Jade Turns the Big 1

Yesterday my darling daughter turned One! Time flew by and it doesn't seem real. I made her a cake on Wednesday and some cupcakes for us. Since November (michaels birthday) is the start of our cake season I figured that was good enough. Alex will be five on Monday, then Kato has a birthday in January then Jayne, Keith and I all have birthdays in February. Anyway, we also got t-shirts that were ordered from Michaels wrestling team so the kids put them on right away. It was cute. We had tacos, one of Jades favorites. She opened gifts from Aunt Gail, GG, Grandma Kim, Katos grandparents, and us. She will have more on Sunday. After opening the gifts and playing with the balloon Aunt Gail sent and one minor tiff with Alex and Michael over some bubble wrap we had cake. We took off all her clothes except for a bib and diaper. I took the cake off the plate and set it on her high chair tray and quick grabbed my camera. Kato video taped. We thought she would dive right in but all she did was take one little finger and lightly touch the side and then a very small taste. She liked it but thats all she did with it was one finger licks. After a few minutes she got a few more fingers involved but it never got to the point that she was stuffing it in or grabbing handfuls. We cut off the corner piece she had been working on and even still not a big mess. She did get frosting on her face and she seemed to like what she had. After the cake she had a bath and played with her new purse. It was a mellow first birthday but just like with all my kids I will never forget it. It was nice just having the family and having all of us just focus on her. Sunday we are having more birthday fun as we celebrate Alex's and Jade's birthdays together and that means more cake. Happy Birthday Baby Jade! thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Big Snow 12/2009

Jade and Alex playing in the snow! Its the first big snow of the season and Jades first time in it.

Long blog kept short

I realized that I haven't written anything in weeks. I can't believe how fast time is flying by and there isn't anything I can do about it. So to make a long blog short here is the just of the past few weeks...
1. Kato and I helped Alexs preschool by volunteering our time wrapping presents.
2. I went xmas shopping for 7 hours and I am still not done.
4. The house is decorated inside and out with Xmas decor.
5. Its wrestling season and Michael is up early and home late everyday.
3. It snowed ALOT!
4. Jade turns 1 tomorrow.
5. I'm pregnant.

I haven't told my parents yet but if they read this they will find out. If they do read this before I tell them let me say this...I am very happy, Kato is very happy, Alex wants a boy, Michael is fine with this although a little shocked and its no ones business if I get my tubes tied or not. I love you and hope for your support rather then negative comments such as "well I sure hope its your last" or "better get your tubes tied" or "wont this be too much for you" just be happy its one more person to love and if God didn't want it to happen he wouldn't have let it.

Ok so thats the short of it. Thanks for reading xoxo