Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Long blog kept short

I realized that I haven't written anything in weeks. I can't believe how fast time is flying by and there isn't anything I can do about it. So to make a long blog short here is the just of the past few weeks...
1. Kato and I helped Alexs preschool by volunteering our time wrapping presents.
2. I went xmas shopping for 7 hours and I am still not done.
4. The house is decorated inside and out with Xmas decor.
5. Its wrestling season and Michael is up early and home late everyday.
3. It snowed ALOT!
4. Jade turns 1 tomorrow.
5. I'm pregnant.

I haven't told my parents yet but if they read this they will find out. If they do read this before I tell them let me say this...I am very happy, Kato is very happy, Alex wants a boy, Michael is fine with this although a little shocked and its no ones business if I get my tubes tied or not. I love you and hope for your support rather then negative comments such as "well I sure hope its your last" or "better get your tubes tied" or "wont this be too much for you" just be happy its one more person to love and if God didn't want it to happen he wouldn't have let it.

Ok so thats the short of it. Thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!! I'm so excited for you lady :-) This is too exciting!!!!!
