Friday, December 18, 2009

First OB visit

I went to the doctor on Wednesday morning. I wasn't expecting such a thorough visit but I guess it was better to just get everything done at once. I got weighed, peed in a cup, blood pressure was taken, questions were answered and I hadn't even seen the doc yet. After 45 minutes of everything else he finally came in. I was thinking it would only be 20 minutes but as it turned out he did a complete physical from head to toe and we listened to the baby's heartbeat. It took a few minutes to find it which is nerve racking! He decided to do an ultrasound too. I got dressed and headed to the U/S room. Thank goodness my ultrasound was an outie, all you moms know what I am talking about!! Anyway, I saw the baby and the heartbeat. The baby measured 8 weeks and 3 days which makes it due July 24th. After that I got a H1N1 flu shot and then sat for 30 minutes waiting to get my blood work done. All in all it was a 2 1/2 hours doc visit. The heartbeat was 162. I am thinking its a girl. In 12 weeks I will find out cause I will have another ultrasound. I pray for a healthy baby and delivery. I want to cherish every moment of this pregnancy cause it will be my last baby. I enjoy being pregnant and love being a mom. People have asked me why have more and some have said "I thought Jade was your last!" Well here is our way of thinking...we will never regret having our children but we may regret not having more. I am glad that I never finalized my reproductive organs when I had her and I can't wait to have this baby. Thanks for reading xoxo

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