Friday, December 11, 2009

Jade Turns the Big 1

Yesterday my darling daughter turned One! Time flew by and it doesn't seem real. I made her a cake on Wednesday and some cupcakes for us. Since November (michaels birthday) is the start of our cake season I figured that was good enough. Alex will be five on Monday, then Kato has a birthday in January then Jayne, Keith and I all have birthdays in February. Anyway, we also got t-shirts that were ordered from Michaels wrestling team so the kids put them on right away. It was cute. We had tacos, one of Jades favorites. She opened gifts from Aunt Gail, GG, Grandma Kim, Katos grandparents, and us. She will have more on Sunday. After opening the gifts and playing with the balloon Aunt Gail sent and one minor tiff with Alex and Michael over some bubble wrap we had cake. We took off all her clothes except for a bib and diaper. I took the cake off the plate and set it on her high chair tray and quick grabbed my camera. Kato video taped. We thought she would dive right in but all she did was take one little finger and lightly touch the side and then a very small taste. She liked it but thats all she did with it was one finger licks. After a few minutes she got a few more fingers involved but it never got to the point that she was stuffing it in or grabbing handfuls. We cut off the corner piece she had been working on and even still not a big mess. She did get frosting on her face and she seemed to like what she had. After the cake she had a bath and played with her new purse. It was a mellow first birthday but just like with all my kids I will never forget it. It was nice just having the family and having all of us just focus on her. Sunday we are having more birthday fun as we celebrate Alex's and Jade's birthdays together and that means more cake. Happy Birthday Baby Jade! thanks for reading xoxo

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