Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was always special for us kids growing up cause we always got to open one present. This year I did that same tradition only I picked the gift and instead of having each kid open one we only opened one as a family. It was a book my grandmother recorded into, Twas the Night Before Christmas. These books are wonderful and I am glad I got my mom to help with it. My Grandma recorded herself telling the story into the book so when we turned the pages it was her voice reading the words. Everyone listened and it was so wonderful to hear her say at the end...Merry Christmas I love you, GG. It will be our tradition every year to share that book on Christmas Eve. Thank you Mom and Grandma for doing this for our family! Love you lots.

After the kids were asleep Santa brought the gifts, stuffed the stockings, and turned out the lights. Thank you Santa. Thanks for reading xoxo

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