Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bikes and little tykes

Life is so much better when you can get outside and enjoy the weather when its nice. Monday the kids and I went outside to enjoy the sun and ride bikes. Jade doesn't like to go far without her elephant so she put him in her basket and went for a ride in the driveway. Alex had been practicing popping wheelies and after about 50 tries I finally got a shot of it. He was pretty proud to show off his skills. Last weekend I took the kids on a bike ride which was about 3 miles long and he actually made it the entire way without complaining. Jade was in the carriage on the back of my bike. We had a great time and were thankful it didn't rain.
Ella has been standing on her own now for a while and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first step. Not that I want her to start walking but it will make it easier when we are outside. Her poor little knees hurt when crawling on the cement outside. She is such a happy baby. Her 9 month check up went smoothly and she is shaping up like her sister...with a big head. She weighed in at 19.4 pounds, 58%, measured up to 27 inches, 31%, and that head of hers is up in the 80% range at 17.75. She hates her bibs but wants to feed herself, good thing Daddy loves doing laundry! Alex is officially my youngest walker, starting at 3 days prior to his 9 month birthday. Jade started 9 days before her 10 month birthday and Michael took his sweet time and didn't start until he was 11 months old. thanks for reading xoxo

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