Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day 2011

Sunday was not very eventful mainly cause the weather was not cooperating with us. It was dreary out and a little bit chilly. So the girls and I stayed home while the boys went to help paint. I wanted to get in a run when they got home but Jade was so fussy she wouldn't let up about going with me so I took her on a fast walk. I got my heart rate up but it wasn't the run that I wanted. Earlier that day I did pull off a new tae bo workout, which kicked my butt and is longer then what I was used to. They say mixing it up a bit is good for you. I wanted to get up to get some groceries on Monday morning but my plans were thwarted again and I ended up taking the kids to the Pig for the things that were needed immediately. Once back home it was time to get ready for the cookout!
It was super hot on Monday and I wanted it to be a fun day. I busted out the hard plastic pool and filled it with water. Once the kids were in swim gear and lubed up with sunscreen I let them get wet. It wasn't even 10am and already in the 80's. We made a play pen for Ella complete with shade and padding so she wouldn't get hurt and we didn't have to worry about her climbing in a pool. We ended up having 3 kiddie pools, a waterslide, a slip-n-slide, a world sprinkler, and plenty of kids who were willing to pour some cool water on your feet to help bring down the temperature. Jade slid down the waterslide so fast she almost flew right over the pool at the bottom, we ended up using a bigger one just in case. Even Ella got in on some slip-n-slide action. We grilled hot dogs and brats, ate corn on the cob, watermelon, and pasta salad. For dessert we had red, white, and blue snocones and cookies. The kids got out their power wheels and tore it up!! Every once in awhile we would hear one of them say "Im Bored!" so we figured out another thing for them to do as we reminisced about how we never had power wheels when we were kids and how the only toys we had were a rock and a stick. Man, times have changed! We played Bocce Ball and Croquet. Its always so much fun with Dan and Ellen. Anyway, once the Brewer game came on we set up the tv outside the garage, ordered some pizzas, kicked back, and watched them fall to the Reds. A quick bath for the kids and off to bed where everyone was too hot to sleep well. Time to bust out the AC!! It was a pretty good Memorial Day and a great kick off to summer!! thanks for reading xoxo

Saturday Night Sleepover or Work party

Saturday night Alex had a sleepover with his good friend Benjamin. They watched GI Joe movies, did some work on their computers, and fell asleep by 10. The next day they had the opportunity to enjoy scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausages, and fresh raspberries, however, all they ate was 3 silver dollar pancakes and 6 bags of popcorn!! I am sure they will have another one soon!! thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, May 27, 2011

A farewell performance...

Remember Puff The Magic Dragon? Alex was in his farewell to Kindergarten performance on Thursday. He dressed up, practiced his part, and mastered the role of Jackie Paper. He presented his strings and sealing wax to that rascal Puff with the expertise of a 7 year old, although he is only 6. The critics (Mom, Dad, Sister, Grandma, Friends) raved of his abilities to really take hold of his character and portray him as the innocent young lad that Jackie is. Some said "what a refreshing performance!" while others said "simply an outstanding natural!" We all know what side of the family he gets this talent from!! thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, May 23, 2011

5k Training Day 1

I signed up with the Dirty Divas to enjoy a wonderful 5k. I announced it to the family on Thursday while we were eating out. I asked Alex what he thought about it and he said "I don't know why you did it cause your never gonna win!" I was really glad to get that support. I quickly told him I am not running to win, I am running to finish and to prove that I can do it plus its good exercise. It starts with a H2OMG water pit where you then move onto the Baptism of Fire, followed by Barn Burner, Loop de Loop, tire pump, just get over it, Utopian tubes, get a grip, one ugly mudder, jail break, and ends with a PMS (pretty muddy stuff). Check it out http://www.godirtygirl.com/what-to-expect/. Anyway, I thought it would be a great way to help me get back into shape. I have been doing tae bo regularly for about two weeks and figured I could handle a jog. Well when Saturday rolled around it was time to put that theory to the test. We borrowed a friends jogging stroller for Jade and Ella to ride in, Alex got on his bike and my husband and I started my training. My friend, Stacey, who I am doing the 5k with, gave me a great program to use. Its the couch to 5k and its about 12 weeks. You walk for 5 minutes and then jog for 5 minutes building up each week until you finally jog for 25 minutes. Should not be a problem considering I ran in elementary school, and in middle school, and in high school...well that was a LOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time ago...and it showed!! Once it was time to jog I was already hating it. Its not like tae bo, its harder. Alex reaffirmed I was not going to win and I would never catch up to him on his bike, which actually made me mad. Jade was screaming in the stroller cause she wanted out and wanted to walk. Kato was ahead of me going faster then my pace which I was trying to shrug off but it was just like him to have to be faster then me, although he probably wasn't really trying to, its just how he is. I tried to focus on what I needed to do but I was hating it after 2 seconds. All my jiggly parts were way to jiggly and since I have stopped breastfeeding Ella, those parts were, well, lets just say they haven't gone down yet and the sports bra I was wearing wasn't doing anything for support. Anyway, I did the 5 minutes and realized I was way to sweaty, a little bit pissy, and a whole lot regretting this adventure. Once I cooled down I figured it was just not going to work taking the kids until I build up some stamina. I know I can do this, I just need to stick with the program, invest in a better sports bra, and think positive. Besides its not really the jogging I am worried about its the wall climb, fire run, and barn burner that will kick my butt!! So day one down only 89 days to go!! Thanks for reading xoxo

Dance Night 2011

Thursday night was Dance Night at Alex's school. They have been learning 5 different dances in gym class over the past year and they finally demonstrated their skills. We arrived at 5:30 which was set up for the kindergarten classes. Since it was so nice out they decided to set it up on the field outside. Our neighbor, Olivia, who is also a kindergartner was in the same line as Alex. Her mom, Ellen, and I figure they will probably get married one day. Alex isn't into girls yet so that thought is "ewwww gross" as he puts it. The gym teachers did a quick walk through of the steps and soon after the kids were getting down! They did a dance to Thriller, Chihuahua, I like to Move It Move It, and for some reason I can't remember the rest. Anyway, Alex could use dance lessons but he did participate so I can't really complain. Ellen took some still shots and I used the flip camera. We got some great footage of the event along with some bug bites from being on the grass. After the show we went out to dinner at Culver's and I made the big announcement to the family...I signed up to do an obstacle 5k in August. Since I was eating at Culver's I decided to start my training on Saturday. thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, May 13, 2011

Alex the Vampire

Its Friday the 13th and strange things are happening. Alex is turning into a vampire more and more everyday. We were very thankful his horns never fully developed as he had previously hoped they would. He eventually got over being angry at the dentist for taking out his vampire tooth and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his permanent one. He has been enjoying his upside down time and he may even give up his bed for one of those bars that you hook your feet into to hang from, that is until his foot claws grow bigger then he can just hang from his closet. Oh the joys of imagination and dress up. thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Michael goes to PROM!!

Michael went with his girlfriend, Nicki, to her prom. He started off on the wrong foot about it with not really wanting to go but also not wanting her to go with another guy. I know how that goes cause when I was in high school I also had a boyfriend who didn't want to go to the fancy dances with me, so I went with another guy. I think by the time he saw how beautiful his girlfriend looked he changed his mind about it. He even smiled in some of the photos. He got her a corsage and she got him a boutonniere. They met up with some of her friends at a park in Lodi and took some photos. I think I got about 160 when it was all done. They made plans to eat at a fancy Chinese restaurant in Madison and had reservations at 7. I thought they both looked really nice and I was proud that Michael wore sleeves, well at least until dinner was over. I had "accidentally" forgot to grab some scissors so he could cut off the sleeves later so he ended up calling Nicki and asking her to bring some, I am not sure if he ended up cutting them off or not. He did however insist on wearing a hat, which was a small compromise. I am not sure what she got out of the hat deal other then a date with him. As a mom it is always bittersweet when your children hit milestones and this was one for Michael, his first formal dance. Maybe for the next one I can actually get him to wear a tux. I will probably have to buy one from the thrift store so he can cut the sleeves off but at least it will be a tux. thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bikes and little tykes

Life is so much better when you can get outside and enjoy the weather when its nice. Monday the kids and I went outside to enjoy the sun and ride bikes. Jade doesn't like to go far without her elephant so she put him in her basket and went for a ride in the driveway. Alex had been practicing popping wheelies and after about 50 tries I finally got a shot of it. He was pretty proud to show off his skills. Last weekend I took the kids on a bike ride which was about 3 miles long and he actually made it the entire way without complaining. Jade was in the carriage on the back of my bike. We had a great time and were thankful it didn't rain.
Ella has been standing on her own now for a while and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first step. Not that I want her to start walking but it will make it easier when we are outside. Her poor little knees hurt when crawling on the cement outside. She is such a happy baby. Her 9 month check up went smoothly and she is shaping up like her sister...with a big head. She weighed in at 19.4 pounds, 58%, measured up to 27 inches, 31%, and that head of hers is up in the 80% range at 17.75. She hates her bibs but wants to feed herself, good thing Daddy loves doing laundry! Alex is officially my youngest walker, starting at 3 days prior to his 9 month birthday. Jade started 9 days before her 10 month birthday and Michael took his sweet time and didn't start until he was 11 months old. thanks for reading xoxo