Monday, May 23, 2011

5k Training Day 1

I signed up with the Dirty Divas to enjoy a wonderful 5k. I announced it to the family on Thursday while we were eating out. I asked Alex what he thought about it and he said "I don't know why you did it cause your never gonna win!" I was really glad to get that support. I quickly told him I am not running to win, I am running to finish and to prove that I can do it plus its good exercise. It starts with a H2OMG water pit where you then move onto the Baptism of Fire, followed by Barn Burner, Loop de Loop, tire pump, just get over it, Utopian tubes, get a grip, one ugly mudder, jail break, and ends with a PMS (pretty muddy stuff). Check it out Anyway, I thought it would be a great way to help me get back into shape. I have been doing tae bo regularly for about two weeks and figured I could handle a jog. Well when Saturday rolled around it was time to put that theory to the test. We borrowed a friends jogging stroller for Jade and Ella to ride in, Alex got on his bike and my husband and I started my training. My friend, Stacey, who I am doing the 5k with, gave me a great program to use. Its the couch to 5k and its about 12 weeks. You walk for 5 minutes and then jog for 5 minutes building up each week until you finally jog for 25 minutes. Should not be a problem considering I ran in elementary school, and in middle school, and in high school...well that was a LOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time ago...and it showed!! Once it was time to jog I was already hating it. Its not like tae bo, its harder. Alex reaffirmed I was not going to win and I would never catch up to him on his bike, which actually made me mad. Jade was screaming in the stroller cause she wanted out and wanted to walk. Kato was ahead of me going faster then my pace which I was trying to shrug off but it was just like him to have to be faster then me, although he probably wasn't really trying to, its just how he is. I tried to focus on what I needed to do but I was hating it after 2 seconds. All my jiggly parts were way to jiggly and since I have stopped breastfeeding Ella, those parts were, well, lets just say they haven't gone down yet and the sports bra I was wearing wasn't doing anything for support. Anyway, I did the 5 minutes and realized I was way to sweaty, a little bit pissy, and a whole lot regretting this adventure. Once I cooled down I figured it was just not going to work taking the kids until I build up some stamina. I know I can do this, I just need to stick with the program, invest in a better sports bra, and think positive. Besides its not really the jogging I am worried about its the wall climb, fire run, and barn burner that will kick my butt!! So day one down only 89 days to go!! Thanks for reading xoxo

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