Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ella 54 and Badger Game

Ella turned 54 days old yesterday and to celebrate we dropped her off at Grandma and Grandpas along with her sister and Alex, Kato, Mikey and I went to a Badger game. It was Alex's first game, same for Mikey. I asked Michael if he wanted to go but he said no and since we really like Mikey we invited him. I was surprised he said yes but really happy he did. I think he had a good time and as always he was very thankful. The Badgers won 27 to 14 over San Jose. Alex was a little sad that Bucky didn't come over to our area and I was too cause it would have been nice for him to get an up close view of him. He has seen him before but not at a football game. We stayed for the 5th quarter so the boys could get the entire experience but halfway through it we decided to leave. We picked up the girls and headed home. Kato got some movies and we all slept well, until 8:30 this morning. Sunday, football day, and here we go!! Packers play at the Eagles house today, not too happy about that so I hope Philly sucks this year. My husband has this ingenious idea to eat something representing the team the Packers play that day so tonight we are having Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches. Lets hope its the only bright idea he gets this season! thanks for reading xoxo

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