Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the sideburns

Those stinking 25 cent gumball machines are just about the worst thing invented, at least from a parents perspective. As for 5 year olds they are just about the best thing EVER! Except when you spend time going through all your coins, picking out only the quarters, just so you can invest in the most amazing spy gear ever designed for a young boy, which is available to you only through those darn 25 cent machines. They display only the coolest toys just to sucker you into dropping those quarters in the tiny slots and giving that handle a spin. They want you to believe that what is on the outside is whats really on the inside, available, and only for you. The allure of a shiny vampire necklace or mini handcuffs can take hold of a young boy and practically make him crazy. Its like being an adult with a gambling addiction, you think you are lucky and this time you will get the big prize but chances are you will loose everything. So the machine calls to him, he gets mad cause mom only lets him bring 4 quarters instead of 8 to 10 and although it would have been nice to have some alone time at the store moms are stuck dealing with the emptiness those machines bring to a 5 year old when all he gets are a lousy pair of fake sideburns and a pink slimy thing. So much for that dollar, but he made the most of it and had fun for a night playing pretend. Thanks for reading xoxo

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