Sunday, September 19, 2010

Titlewave and Trigger

Sometimes kids are so super cute that you really do want to gobble them up. Then there are times that they remind you why some animals eat their young. Wednesday I was having a conversation with Alex on the swings. We talked about his worm collection, weapons ninjas use, sports and Halloween, you know the important things to a 5 year old. It was a great conversation with him and honestly we hadn't talked like that in some time. Mostly because he doesn't crawl into bed with me at night and snuggle. I miss those nights but knew one day it would stop. Towards the end of the conversation he said something that caused a flashback to 12 years ago when I was standing in my apartment before I knew Kato and was talking with Michael. Michael said "mommy I don't want to be Michael anymore, I want a different name!" I asked him what he wanted to be called and he said "Titlewave" and he was serious. I think I tried to call him that for a couple of days but eventually he was content going back to Michael. Now here is Alex repeating that same conversation...Mommy I don't want to be Alex anymore, its not a very good name for me. I said it was a good name for him and that is why we picked it for him. I asked him what he wanted his name to be and he said "Trigger!" I said ok we can call you Trigger. He was happy and ran off to play. It was a great day. thanks for reading xoxo

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