Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday Night Slumber Party

The Daddy and his offspring decided to have a slumber party last weekend. They stayed up watching movies and eating popcorn then they all crashed out in the living room. It was fun for the kids but had I known what was in store for me I probably would have had them include Ella too. Saturday I was really tired after getting up early so I went to bed early. Daddy brought Ella up at 1o:45 and laid her in bed. She woke up and was up until 2am! It was rough and many times I was temped to give her back to Daddy but it worked out and so Sunday morning I was up at 7:15. I came downstairs to find The Daddy on the couch and the Sister and Brother on the floor. It was cute and I am sure they had fun. There was a time back in the day, say about 10 years ago, when the Daddy and I would stay up until 4am, go to sleep, and wake up at 10. I don't think I could do that now if my life depended on it. I am glad the kids have fun with him and are able to make those memories. They are lucky to have him. Thanks for reading xoxo

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