Monday, September 27, 2010

Sisters and Brothers

Someone sure likes to snuggle with his sister when she is napping. Such a difference between Alex and Jade (bottom photo) compared to me and my brother (top photo). If it would have been me, at that age, I would have found a way to "accidentally" have my brother fall off the couch. Not that Nick, my brother, couldn't have found his own way to hurt himself. When we were younger I remember going to the doctor because he almost bit his tongue off, or he would need to get stitches for hitting his head or knee. I don't think he ever went for a broken bone but he was pretty accident prone. Which is also ironic because we called him our "early warning system" because he would always let us know the doors were not locked or the lights were on. You would think he would have been the safest but he was falling out of the truck alot or getting his fingers slammed in the door. He has grown out of that phase and I don't think he passed it on to his daughters. Anyway, the point is Alex and Jade have a much better relationship then I did with my brother Nick at that age. Now I love my brother very much and miss him dearly. If I could go back and be a little bit nicer to him I probably wouldn't because it wouldn't have been as much fun growing up. Then again I probably wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble. thanks for reading xoxo

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