Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend...

It was cow chip weekend here and we all had a great time! Saturday we headed to the park for the arts and crafts where the kids didn't really like it so they went to the bouncy houses and slide for fun. After, we got a quick bite to eat and watched the parade at noon. It was great!! We left for home and to take a quick break after the parade then went back for a few more minutes on the bouncy houses. We got two funnel cakes while the kids walked through the petting zoo then we headed over to the Grandparents for dinner. Great Grandma and Grandpa Katers was there so we visited for a bit. They got the kids stuffed animals (big dog and two bears), and gold coins. Alex said they were from One Eyed Willie the pirate. Kato stayed up late to watch the Badgers game. Sunday we got up and got ready for our block party. Katos mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa stopped by for a bit before the party started and we got some photos taken. We set up the driveway, bouncy house, backyard, and garage for the bbq and when everyone started showing up it started raining. They quickly got stuff into the garage and the kids just played in the rain. It was a another successful party and we had a ton of great food and company. Monday was a lazy day but we managed to get outside yet again and reheat the leftovers on the grill and enjoyed the traditional root beer floats. It was a wonderful end to the summer. The temperatures dropped about 20 degrees and it feels like fall already. The Packers and Badgers start their regular season and its time to get into a happy routine for my sake and for the kids. thanks for reading xoxo

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