Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clinton tournament part 1

We decided to travel to Clinton Iowa this weekend so that we can support Michael during his wrestling tournament. Friday we packed up and left early so that we could get there before it got dark. We stayed at the same hotel as the team which was located next to a Target, Walmart, and Applebees. We ate dinner at Applebees and once back at the hotel the kids went swimming. For some reason Ella was super fussy but I didn't think much of it. That night however was the worst night of her life!! She was up until 3:30am fussing and crying. She wanted to eat and if she wasn't she was crying. Finally at 3:30 she fell asleep and I couldn't have been more thankful. It was short lived because she was awake again at 4:30. I was tired and cranky and ready to put her out the window. Thankfully Kato got up with her and took her to the lobby to watch tv, and stay up with her so that I could get some sleep. They got back around 6:30, she was sleeping, until 7:30. It was a rough night and we are not sure yet why. A new place, teething, a cold, who knows?? Anyway, we got up and went to the wrestling tournament. The school was old and there were about 26 teams there. The kids were out of control and I wasn't sure if we would make it all day. The wait time between Michaels matches was about 2-3 hours. We left once to get lunch. They had concessions and stinky bathrooms. Jade slept a bit but Ella flat out refused to nap. She was awake for all but 1 hour of the 8.5 hours we were there. By 6:30 the kids were at their limit of being somewhat on good behavior. After Michaels last match, Kato and I had to get them out of there before WWIII broke out. It was a 3 hour drive home and no one was more anxious to get there then Kato. For some reason the garmin took us all the way home on back roads. It got scary at times and I was not happy with the route but we made it. Now here is the lesson...don't take the young kids ever again to a wrestling tournament, check the route the garmin gives you before you take it, and try to remember your kids are blessings no matter how crabby they are. thanks for reading xoxo

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