Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ella and the rug burns

Ella has been trying really hard to get up and crawl. She has started the scooting thing with her forearms and now her little arms have a little bit of carpet burn. Kato and I put ointment on them last night. Its no wonder why she got so fussy when she was on the floor after finding the sores. I am sure its frustrating trying to get to that one toy so you can touch it and taste it and for her when she rolls she sometimes is just inches shy of her goal. I love it when she ends up rolling in circles and then realizes she is never going to get there and lets out a super loud high octave screech. But then I feel bad cause she is really upset and so to reward her for her efforts I place the toy a little closer and she then gets to it with a scoot or a reach. After awhile she gets tuckered out, her cheeks are rosy, and she pops in her thumb and takes a rest. In just 6 days she will be 6 months old. thanks for reading xoxo

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