Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clinton Tournament Part 2

Apparently Michael didn't sleep well either cause at 11:48pm I got a text asking to pick up some 5 hour energy for him. His first match was intense because it determines his mood for the first part of the day. He was on his game and won! We picked him up a Subway for lunch and about 4 hours later his second match took place. He won again. His team mates commented on how well he was doing. It was nice that he just kept on winning. He lost his final two matches and brought home 4th place. It was a huge accomplishment although he wanted at least 3rd. But look at it this way, he took 7th place last year, there were 26 teams competing this year, and his team as a whole took 4th!!! Sometimes I am just so gosh darn proud that I can't comprehend his disappointment. I am sure next year he will do even better. He was hungry when he got home cause he asked me to get him 8 McDonalds burgers. For those of you who count calories it comes out to 3000. Congratulations Gator, we love you!! thanks for reading xoxo

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