Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ups and Downs

Our little Ella is 6 months old and almost crawling. She gets up on all fours and does this little rock scoot thing. Its cute. She had her check up the other day and weighed in at a whooping 16 pounds 15 ounces which puts her in the 66%. She is 26 inches long, 56%, and her head is starting to shape up like her sisters at 17 inches putting that at 69%. Again the percentiles mean that out of 100 kids, her head is bigger then 69 of them, she is taller then 56 of them, and she weighs more then 66 of them. Over all she is in great health and can start veggies when we are ready. I was ready last week but got busy, thank goodness she has other things to eat.

Michael had a match against Baraboo on Tuesday. He received a forfeit, easiest win all season if you ask me. He also got to sport the throw back singlets. I will post a pic if I can find one, I only took the flip camera. His team went undefeated for the regular season (this doesn't include tournaments but I don't think they took less then 4th place for those), Good Job Eagles!!!

On a sad note, we learned Tuesday night that the owner of Katos company, Mr. Pat Dillon, passed away as a result of lung cancer. We send our thoughts and prayers to his family. Mr. Dillon was always good to Kato and I thank him profusely for the wonderful opportunities he blessed him with. thanks for reading xoxo

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