Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years with a few in between

When Kato and I were dating, 10 years ago, we (Michael, Kato and I) took a trip out to Wisconsin from Washington. It was during the holidays, after Christmas but before New Years. It was my first Lamb Family Christmas. On New Years night we went to the square in downtown Madison. They had a ton of stuff to do. We took a ride on a horse drawn wagon with hay in the back to sit on. It went around the square. It snowed that night. Later we went to see the trains at Olbrich Gardens and followed up with a family new year celebration at Jayne and Keiths. Jayne got out a piece of bologna bit two eyes, a nose, and a mouth out of it and sang the Oscar Meyer song and slapped that piece of bologna right on her face. It was so funny. Michael blew horns and went outside with Keith to yell happy new year at the neighbors. When we got back to Washington and about 2 weeks later, Kato asked me to marry him. He went to my parents first then he asked Michael. It was a wonderful time and the memories are priceless. This new years we have 3 more kids, we stayed home, some of us were asleep by 11:15 and it didn't snow. Some things may have changed for us over the years but one thing hasn't, we still love each other, we are still together, and we still hope for everyone to have a Wonderful Happy New Year!! thanks for reading xoxo

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