Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daddy Do It

So last night Jade was sitting on my lap. She has been clinging to me a little more lately and I love it. Sometimes she gets a little jealous of the other kids sitting on my lap. I always say I have three laps, one on each knee and one in the middle. Most kids like the middle and she is no exception. So a few minutes into her "mommy time" alone on my lap she starts farting. I say to her "hey what are you doing? You quit that!" She laughs and thinks its funny. She then starts to really push and try to do it again. She succeeds. I say what are you doing, and she replies "daddy do it!" Yeah right Jade. Little stinker is learning early to just blame it all on Daddy. thanks for reading xoxo

Doctors and Dentists

Sometimes the doctors office is our home away from home. Since last Friday we have spent enough money on doctor visits to supply at least one doctor with their salary. Kato had been struggling with a sore throat for some time and finally on Monday he went to the doctors. He was diagnosed with strep throat. He elected to get a shot, a big one right in the butt. Once home and later that night he began to complain about his left side and shoulder hurting. He went to the hospital later that night. Thankfully it was not a heart attack. He had been taking Tylenol to help with the pain. It wasn't working and he ended up going back to the doctors again. You have to understand that my husband doesn't get sick that often so when he is sick he is really sick. He doesn't like to miss work and when he does he ends up calling in, working on the computer, or worrying about work but this time he really couldn't do anything but try and manage his pain, and try to rest. They gave him more antibiotics and advised him to switch to Aleve. In the meantime Jade had to go to the dentist to get her teeth checked out. Thankfully again, her teeth were fine and the dentist advised me what to look for should infections or a dying tooth set in. So since Friday of last week that brought the tally up to 2 hospital visits, 2 doctors visits, one dentist visit, and a whole lot of disinfecting. I think everyone is on the mend finally and we can get ready to enjoy spring break. They say bad things happen in 3s but in our case its more like 5s or 6s. thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, March 21, 2011

Roller Derby Wrestling Awards

Saturday Kato and I wrangled up some babysitters and headed into Madison for a night of roller derby. It was fun and I wished we could have stayed longer. I felt lucky to have been able to get out a bit without our kids and spend some time with other adults. We don't do that very often. I am thinking about looking into finding some responsible teenagers who would like to make some money babysitting, but I feel guilty leaving my kids with someone else. I think I would worry about them too much and not enjoy my time away. I guess its a lost cause. I was very thankful however that Grandma was able to come over and sit with them on Sunday so that Kato and I could go to Michaels award banquet for wrestling. He had a great season and we are so proud of him. Once again he dressed up for the occasion by wearing a shirt with the sleeves still attached. We were just happy he left the lime green shorts at home. He was voted most improved by the team and got a plaque with his name on it. The coaches had great things to say about him and the team, and we watched a fantastic video presentation created by one of the wrestlers. He got another medal for 2nd place at regionals as well as his bar pin for earning his 2nd letter in wrestling. There are only 3 juniors moving into the senior position next year and that puts a big responsibility on his shoulders. He is up for the challenge and we are looking forward to his final year of high school wrestling. Thanks Gator for the fun, thrills, tears, and sore throats that come from cheering you on as you battle your way to the top of the podium. Go Sauk Prairie Eagles. thanks for reading xoxo

Friday Night High Lights

Friday night started off great. Dinner out, movies, popcorn, kids, husband, and maybe a drink but some things don't happen as planned. Dinner was crazy, the kids played with the dairy creamer on the table and one leaked out all over the seat. Musical chairs is not fun when you are trying to eat. I was squished with two kids and me on one side of our booth and Kato on the other. We ended up quickly leaving because Jade fell while running around, started crying, Ella was getting fussy, Alex kept complaining about something and our table was full of napkins, spills, plates, cups, and food. We managed well at the movie store and when we got home we were trying to settle in for the night. I was upstairs when all of a sudden I hear a bad word yell from Katos mouth and a few seconds later Jade screaming. I hurried down to see what happened and apparently she was running across the floor, tripped over a pillow and landed face first into the wooded stair going upstairs. She was bleeding and it was not pretty. I looked in her mouth and had to hurry her to the hospital. She was lucky. No broken bones, teeth still in tact, no stitches needed, no concussion. By the time we got back home it was 10:30pm, I was so tired, she was tired, Kato was up watching a movie, Alex and Ella were sleeping. I gave her some Motrin and called it a night. By Saturday she was doing great, eating, drinking normal but man she had the biggest Angelina Jolie lips EVER. I was jealous. She gets to see the dentist on Tuesday because Monday morning her front top right is wiggly. thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, March 13, 2011

is it spring yet?

I thought I would have more time to write more since wrestling is now over but it seems I am just as busy doing other things or enjoying doing nothing too much. Ella is all over these days and I have to pick up little toys, sweep up falling food, close doors, and barricade sharp edges, which seems to be endless. She pulls herself up to standing on everything and doesn't seem to care if its going to hurt her should she fall over. Alex's room is the kid's play area because there are toys in there and Dora occupies the television. There are also small toys or foam darts that you have to keep away from her or else they go straight to her mouth. She is cutting teeth, two at a time lately, and she chews on things like a puppy does. Jade is really into dress up these days and her entourage of pink blanky, pink bunny, elephant, shoes, backpack, a dress, gloves, and sometimes a hat or hair band make it difficult for her to get around so she spends alot of time whining and wanting to be carried (with all her stuff) from one place to another. We try to ignore it but it does get to you after about 8 minutes. The time out corner and her are becoming great friends. Alex seems to be craving activities too lately. We tried painting and art projects but that only lasts for so long. He wants to wrestle but is too rough with the girls, he wants to play soccer but only with his dad, he wants to be outside but doesn't want to wear snow pants. I am not about to let him out without them cause he will come in soaked from the snow. I think we are all suffering from cabin fever and spring can not get here quick enough. This weekend we were able to get out for a minute or two. I went and got my hair cut on Saturday. On Sunday, Alex and I walked to the movies and saw Rango. He then played soccer in the driveway with his dad. Its supposed to get up to almost 60 this week so that means two things, one; all the kids will want to get outside, two; Im gonna have to dust off my razor. Thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday Night

Jade loves to do laundry with Daddy. Mostly he folds it and she messes it up. After all that hard work she fell asleep in the laundry basket. Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella?? thanks for reading xoxo

Empty Boxes

Why even bother spending lots of money on fancy toys with sounds and lights. If I was on the ball I would market the idea of selling boxes for children to play with. I could paint on all six sides different things for fun play time, make them in all different sizes, and sell them for cheap to parents who have kids like I do, kids who love to play with boxes. If they rip and tear it wouldn't be heart breaking for parents because it didn't cost as much as that remote control car or lights and sounds toy made of plastic. I order diapers online because they come in larger quantities, get delivered for free, and usually cost less if not the same as what they cost in stores. Its really convenient for me especially because when I grocery shop I don't have room in the cart for diapers, food, household goods, a diaper bag, and a child or two or three. So when they arrive, they come in a huge box. The kids can't wait to play with the box, they rush me to open it so they can climb in and play pretend. When it starts to break and tear I sometimes will tape it up because they love it so much. Alex sometimes will say to me "mom don't throw it away because I want to play with it after school" and sometimes he says he is done with it. So with as much fun as my kids have playing with an empty box, why should I spend even one penny on a toy that limits imagination? I doubt I am the only mom who's kids love this kind of play, so maybe I should figure out a way to market the idea...but then again once I do that empty boxes won't be as much fun to play with anymore. Thanks for reading xoxo

Jade and her elll ah ment

When Michael was enjoying his victory at sectionals Jade was taking a well needed snooze in the bleachers. She was fussy that day and Daddy took her to the store where she picked out her new BFF, elephant. She pronounces it elll ah ment. Now everywhere she goes pink bunny, blanky, and elephant go with her. I think she is becoming obsessed with elephants. I have a box of animal hats that we like playing with and she picks out the elephants and has to have them both all to herself, except when daddy wants one then she will share with him. The other morning she woke up with the elephant hat, elephant, pink bunny and blanky all in bed with her. She seems to be pointing out the elephants more and more when she sees one. Its cute to hear her pronounce it and sometimes we ask her over and over to say it just to hear it ourselves. For her first Halloween she dressed up like an elephant and I remember when I was younger my mom dressed up as an elephant too. So with all this obsession with elephants I was surprised that yesterday while at the Disney store she didn't pick out something with Dumbo or Eeyore. She did however pick out a super cute Tinkerbell costume and crown. I think it goes nicely with her favorite Dora socks. thanks for reading xoxo