Sunday, March 27, 2011

Doctors and Dentists

Sometimes the doctors office is our home away from home. Since last Friday we have spent enough money on doctor visits to supply at least one doctor with their salary. Kato had been struggling with a sore throat for some time and finally on Monday he went to the doctors. He was diagnosed with strep throat. He elected to get a shot, a big one right in the butt. Once home and later that night he began to complain about his left side and shoulder hurting. He went to the hospital later that night. Thankfully it was not a heart attack. He had been taking Tylenol to help with the pain. It wasn't working and he ended up going back to the doctors again. You have to understand that my husband doesn't get sick that often so when he is sick he is really sick. He doesn't like to miss work and when he does he ends up calling in, working on the computer, or worrying about work but this time he really couldn't do anything but try and manage his pain, and try to rest. They gave him more antibiotics and advised him to switch to Aleve. In the meantime Jade had to go to the dentist to get her teeth checked out. Thankfully again, her teeth were fine and the dentist advised me what to look for should infections or a dying tooth set in. So since Friday of last week that brought the tally up to 2 hospital visits, 2 doctors visits, one dentist visit, and a whole lot of disinfecting. I think everyone is on the mend finally and we can get ready to enjoy spring break. They say bad things happen in 3s but in our case its more like 5s or 6s. thanks for reading xoxo

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