Sunday, March 13, 2011

is it spring yet?

I thought I would have more time to write more since wrestling is now over but it seems I am just as busy doing other things or enjoying doing nothing too much. Ella is all over these days and I have to pick up little toys, sweep up falling food, close doors, and barricade sharp edges, which seems to be endless. She pulls herself up to standing on everything and doesn't seem to care if its going to hurt her should she fall over. Alex's room is the kid's play area because there are toys in there and Dora occupies the television. There are also small toys or foam darts that you have to keep away from her or else they go straight to her mouth. She is cutting teeth, two at a time lately, and she chews on things like a puppy does. Jade is really into dress up these days and her entourage of pink blanky, pink bunny, elephant, shoes, backpack, a dress, gloves, and sometimes a hat or hair band make it difficult for her to get around so she spends alot of time whining and wanting to be carried (with all her stuff) from one place to another. We try to ignore it but it does get to you after about 8 minutes. The time out corner and her are becoming great friends. Alex seems to be craving activities too lately. We tried painting and art projects but that only lasts for so long. He wants to wrestle but is too rough with the girls, he wants to play soccer but only with his dad, he wants to be outside but doesn't want to wear snow pants. I am not about to let him out without them cause he will come in soaked from the snow. I think we are all suffering from cabin fever and spring can not get here quick enough. This weekend we were able to get out for a minute or two. I went and got my hair cut on Saturday. On Sunday, Alex and I walked to the movies and saw Rango. He then played soccer in the driveway with his dad. Its supposed to get up to almost 60 this week so that means two things, one; all the kids will want to get outside, two; Im gonna have to dust off my razor. Thanks for reading xoxo

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