Sunday, March 6, 2011

Empty Boxes

Why even bother spending lots of money on fancy toys with sounds and lights. If I was on the ball I would market the idea of selling boxes for children to play with. I could paint on all six sides different things for fun play time, make them in all different sizes, and sell them for cheap to parents who have kids like I do, kids who love to play with boxes. If they rip and tear it wouldn't be heart breaking for parents because it didn't cost as much as that remote control car or lights and sounds toy made of plastic. I order diapers online because they come in larger quantities, get delivered for free, and usually cost less if not the same as what they cost in stores. Its really convenient for me especially because when I grocery shop I don't have room in the cart for diapers, food, household goods, a diaper bag, and a child or two or three. So when they arrive, they come in a huge box. The kids can't wait to play with the box, they rush me to open it so they can climb in and play pretend. When it starts to break and tear I sometimes will tape it up because they love it so much. Alex sometimes will say to me "mom don't throw it away because I want to play with it after school" and sometimes he says he is done with it. So with as much fun as my kids have playing with an empty box, why should I spend even one penny on a toy that limits imagination? I doubt I am the only mom who's kids love this kind of play, so maybe I should figure out a way to market the idea...but then again once I do that empty boxes won't be as much fun to play with anymore. Thanks for reading xoxo

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