Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday Night High Lights

Friday night started off great. Dinner out, movies, popcorn, kids, husband, and maybe a drink but some things don't happen as planned. Dinner was crazy, the kids played with the dairy creamer on the table and one leaked out all over the seat. Musical chairs is not fun when you are trying to eat. I was squished with two kids and me on one side of our booth and Kato on the other. We ended up quickly leaving because Jade fell while running around, started crying, Ella was getting fussy, Alex kept complaining about something and our table was full of napkins, spills, plates, cups, and food. We managed well at the movie store and when we got home we were trying to settle in for the night. I was upstairs when all of a sudden I hear a bad word yell from Katos mouth and a few seconds later Jade screaming. I hurried down to see what happened and apparently she was running across the floor, tripped over a pillow and landed face first into the wooded stair going upstairs. She was bleeding and it was not pretty. I looked in her mouth and had to hurry her to the hospital. She was lucky. No broken bones, teeth still in tact, no stitches needed, no concussion. By the time we got back home it was 10:30pm, I was so tired, she was tired, Kato was up watching a movie, Alex and Ella were sleeping. I gave her some Motrin and called it a night. By Saturday she was doing great, eating, drinking normal but man she had the biggest Angelina Jolie lips EVER. I was jealous. She gets to see the dentist on Tuesday because Monday morning her front top right is wiggly. thanks for reading xoxo

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