Monday, March 21, 2011

Roller Derby Wrestling Awards

Saturday Kato and I wrangled up some babysitters and headed into Madison for a night of roller derby. It was fun and I wished we could have stayed longer. I felt lucky to have been able to get out a bit without our kids and spend some time with other adults. We don't do that very often. I am thinking about looking into finding some responsible teenagers who would like to make some money babysitting, but I feel guilty leaving my kids with someone else. I think I would worry about them too much and not enjoy my time away. I guess its a lost cause. I was very thankful however that Grandma was able to come over and sit with them on Sunday so that Kato and I could go to Michaels award banquet for wrestling. He had a great season and we are so proud of him. Once again he dressed up for the occasion by wearing a shirt with the sleeves still attached. We were just happy he left the lime green shorts at home. He was voted most improved by the team and got a plaque with his name on it. The coaches had great things to say about him and the team, and we watched a fantastic video presentation created by one of the wrestlers. He got another medal for 2nd place at regionals as well as his bar pin for earning his 2nd letter in wrestling. There are only 3 juniors moving into the senior position next year and that puts a big responsibility on his shoulders. He is up for the challenge and we are looking forward to his final year of high school wrestling. Thanks Gator for the fun, thrills, tears, and sore throats that come from cheering you on as you battle your way to the top of the podium. Go Sauk Prairie Eagles. thanks for reading xoxo

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