Sunday, November 15, 2009

Badgers Blinkers and Silly String

So today Kato, Alex, Jade and I all went to a Badger volleyball game. We met up with some friends although we were so busy watching the kids and eating that we didn't talk much with the friends and watched very little of the game. It was still fun to go and support the UW and do something new. We were also on a mission. Alex has been wanting a Batman utility belt so bad that he doesn't stop talking about it. We went to Ace, Toys R Us, Target, Walmart and Farm & Fleet and didn't find one. They used to have it at Walmart. Anyway, so with no luck finding the belt we were on our way home after the Badger loss. Some guy in a truck who was merging onto the beltline left his blinker on. Kato was not happy and decided to show him that the blinker is still on. So he passes the driver and merges in front of him. He then turns on the blinker to signal the other driver, after a few seconds he then switches the blinker from the right to the left. After a minute of this game the driver behind us in the truck figures out his blinker is on and turns it off. Kato who was sooo into trying to get this guys attention then proceeds to tell me that he then likes to flash his emergency lights to signal to the other driver ha ha yes your blinker was on and its ok. As if it is some kind of universal car speak or short hand like LOL or LMAO is when texting. I laugh almost to the point I could pee cause its only in his mind that flashing your emergency lights twice means ha ha its ok!! I can only imagine what the other guy must be thinking when he sees something like this. So if you ever leave your blinker on and you see someone flash their emergency lights twice that is my husband in his own little world saying haha its ok!

Oh and since Alex wasn't able to find his belt he got a spiderman web thrower that sprays silly string. He has been having fun in the bathtub with it. thanks for reading xoxo

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