Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekend Activities

It was a good weekend! Saturday I woke up without having anyone wake me up which is always nice the only bad part was that I didn't really sleep in. We had some chores to do around the house which Kato did most of them since I had other errands to run around town. We headed up to Baraboo to get some stuff and then when we got back home I decided to hang some Xmas lights. I felt like we were missing something so when I had to go get some extension cords I stopped to look at more Xmas decorations and got some cute little snowflakes with lights that twinkle. We hung them up right away and it was a nice finishing touch to the outside of the house. Kato and Alex love watching scary movies so they did just that and I watched a chick flick upstairs. I went to bed early cause I was tired and on Sunday I woke up and still felt tired. I was tired all day. Katos grandma Lamb, who is visiting from Florida, came over and we watched the Packers game. She is getting older now like everyone is but her short term memory is slipping and she asked Alex about 50 times how old he was and he kept saying I already told you Im 4 years old. It was cute and we told him to be nice about it cause sometimes grandma forgets. He did pretty good for a 4 year old. Kato took her back to his parents house and we had dinner. Afterwards I got to watch another chick flick while Kato and Alex watched a scary one, Alex said it wasn't scary and was upset about that. I had to get up earlier today but it was alright but now I could use a nap cause I am tired again. thanks for reading xoxo

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