Sunday, November 1, 2009

WI Badgers vs. Purdue

Saturday Kato and I went to the Badger vs. Purdue football game. It was my first time to a game at Camp Randall and it was a blast! We met up with one of Katos high school buddies who was also in our wedding, Rob and his wife Missy. It was so nice to see Rob again cause it had been forever since I last saw him. We went to the Stadium which is a bar just outside the actual stadium where the Badgers play. They had a beer garden set up with music and a big screen to watch the game. It was about 10:30 in the morning and tons of people were there. We had a beer, well I had a beer which was all I could handle and we headed inside for the game. We ended up trading seats with some of Robs people and so we were able to sit with Missy and Rob. They had great seats and although we were smashed in like sardines it was the best first time experience. We kept warm cause we were all so close. I don't know how it got there but a spider started crawling up my sleeve and I freaked out, cause I do NOT like spiders. It was huge and Kato, my prince and protector, saved me from the horrible attack. Its fangs were the biggest and I could tell it was out for my blood. Thank goodness for my husband otherwise I would have been a goner. After the attack we watched the best game ever, the Badgers kicked butt and sent Purdue home with a 37 to 0 loss. The experience of being at Camp Randall is truly amazing. If you value the history of places like that then you understand its meaning. Its the oldest stadium standing out of the Big Ten and just think of all the great players that have been there before and have gone on to the NFL. It is impressive. At the third they play the song jump around and the student section goes nuts! They literally JUMP AROUND and its like a red sea of waves going up and down! Afterwards we headed back to the beer garden and had another beer with Rob and Missy. It was so good to be with them and hang out. We headed back to the car and split up with them promising to get together again soon. We got back to our house as Jayne and Keith were dropping off the little kids for more trick or treating. Michael was spending the weekend with a friend helping on their farm. We took a walk around the block and Jade and I called it a night. Kato and Alex kept going for a bit with Dan and Olivia. This time Alex was Spiderman. We ordered some pizza, watched some TV and Kato got called into work. He scared the heck out of me at 1am after getting home and we slept until 7:45 which was actually 6:45 cause of the time change this weekend. So today is the big game everyone in Wisconsin has been waiting for...Green Bay vs. Minnesota. GO PACK GO!! thanks for reading xoxo

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