Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well after 5 straight weeks of bad fantasy football I finally got a win, maybe it was only 4 weeks but it felt like forever. I was pretty happy since for the first time I got over 102 points. I am sure the thrill will soon be over and I will be right back on the losing streak.

Lately Alex has been a little off with his eating habits. When we are eating he isn't hungry and when we are not eating he is starving! So last night he has a little bit of what we have and then says he is full. I was somewhat ok with that cause I knew he ate some. So later on we are watching Monday night football and chatting when Alex said he is hungry. We ask him what do you want and he usually replies with I dont know. So we say think about it and let us know. After a few minutes Michael comes in and we are talking with him and watching football when all of a sudden Alex comes around the corner and yells out "UM HELLLLLLOOOOO GUYS....IM HUNNNNGGGGRRRRYYYYY!" It was super funny cause he said it like we purposely starve him and never offer any food to him. So after a few giggles Kato gets up and gets him a snack. Things would be much smoother around here if he would just eat on a regular schedule. The good thing is he got on the scale last night and weighed one pound more then the night before. Let's hope some turkey will do the trick! thanks for reading xoxo


  1. By the way...You are welcome! Good thing we made that Trade! :(

  2. Hey(:
    i really miss you all! tell Gator hi for me.your blog made me smile.
    hope you have a happy thanksgiving.
    love, ella<3
