Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jade is a walker for real now.

Since Jade has finally decided to walk more then crawl its been so much fun watching her. She is so cute when she waddles and when she falls down she doesn't seem to get mad or upset she just gets back up and keeps on going. The down side to her walking is the hard wood floors and making sure she has grip on her feet so she doesn't fall weird and get hurt. She also has been enjoying getting into the cereal cupboard and pulling out everything in it. It crushes all the cereal boxes but we have not yet had to clean up scattered cereal, notice I did say yet! She really likes having the freedom to roam around where she wants. She has also been biting a little more lately. She doesn't do it as revenge or to get back at someone for taking a toy but she does it to the point that you can feel it. I don't want her to be a biter cause its so bad and because I see the wounds other kids have left behind because of biting. Its no fun telling parents that their kid was bit by another kid under my watch especially if that kid is mine. Anyway I am working on getting that stopped! Keith came over and did some video taping of her and sent it to my mom and auntie. I hope they share it with my Grandma. well thanks for reading xoxo

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