Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crazy Morning

So at 8:10 this morning one of my moms starts the day by saying her kids H1N1 shot is at 12:30 and I freaked out because we were supposed to take Jade and Alex for theirs at 7:00am but we forgot!! So I quick called Kato and reminded him that we forgot and to see if he could come and take them if I rescheduled. Well he himhawed about it and I was upset so I just said forget it I will figure it out. So I called the clinic and it was ok and I could bring the kids in anytime today. Well with daycare kids its not always easy except it was Thursday and that means two of them are gone at school for 2 hours in the morning and I would only have to bring my kids plus one extra. I could do it I just needed an extra car seat. While two parents are here watching me freak out I am running all over trying to find the car seat. With no luck I called my helpful husband back and once again he came through with NOTHING! He couldn't tell me where the car seat was except it was probably in the garage. I looked twice and only found one part of it. Anyway, back inside a mom said I will leave mine here I was relieved. So now it was time for breakfast, wake up Alex, feed 5 kids, clean em up, off to school, change diapers, put car seat in car, get kids in coats, get kids in van, drive to clinic get shots! Its easier to type it out then it actually was to get it done. Once at the clinic I asked Alex who should go first him or Jade. He quickly says Jade. She gets her shot and doesn't even cry or make a peep. Alex is up next and it was world war III!!! He instantly starts crying saying no no no. Once up on the table he is now screaming bloody murder. I have to hold him down and pin him to the table. I am singing and saying its almost over but if felt like it was taking 12 hours! He cried so loud I thought he would pass out. He got a sucker and we left. The entire rest of the day was him reminding me that he was never ever never never ever getting another shot for the rest of his life. I didn't have the heart to tell him he has to go back in 4 weeks for a booster. thanks for reading xoxo

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