Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fantasy Football ranting # 1

Since I haven't posted about it yet I figured this week would be a good one for my fantasy football rant! Last week I got my first win of the season. My record was 1-2. I was feeling pretty good about this weeks possibilities until Vick, who is my quarterback, gets hurt and leaves the for the game. I really wish he would just suck it up and man up to play. Ok that is not fair he does have broken ribs (at least that is what they are saying, I doubt he has had it confirmed yet) but come on, I just wanted to catch a break. It would have been nice to be 2-2 but I will probably be the only one in the Chicks Rule league that is 1-3!! I should have played Flacco but even he is a risk. GOSH I hate it but I love it. thanks for reading xoxo

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