Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2nd Place is AWESOME!!!

Great season for me when it comes to fantasy football. Last year my team "The ExtermiKATERS" took 9th place, we only have 10 players. This year I had at least a 5 game winning streak, was 9-4 going into the playoffs and took 2nd place. We had some issues this year that made it difficult for some to enjoy the game but it is what it is and everyone is allowed to be entitled to their opinion. The final game was hard for me especially because I was up in Green Bay and didn't have the time I usually have to adjust my roster and pick players who would give me a better chance of winning but the Packer game was more worth it. I tried to get some done before leaving on Christmas Eve but some players are game day decisions. I was happy knowing I made it that far, and even happier knowing I was going to win something. So thank you to the "Chick's Rule" league, its been fun! thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friday, Christmas, Sunday, Monday

Its been an exciting few days...

Christmas Eve- Jayne and Keith came over for dinner and gifts. Good company, good food, good wine, and good night! After they left and the kids were in bed, Santa came to deliver presents. Because Santa's number 1 helper fell asleep with the children and the number 2 helper was downstairs on the phone with his girlfriend, Santa worked alone. Once it was done both helpers decided to show up to help but it was too late, next year some people may only get reindeer poop in their stocking.
Christmas morning- the excitement was overwhelming and the small children could not contain their eagerness to open everything all at once. They all were happy with the gifts and clean up took a very long time. In fact its Tuesday and we are still working on getting it cleaned up. Christmas afternoon- drive to Green Bay. It was a good drive the children napped and Kato and I actually were able to have conversations without interruptions, it was really nice.
Christmas evening-Dinner at Aunt Wendy's with Aunt Barb, Uncle Jim, Jayne, Keith, Matt, and Erin. It was Keith's side of the family. Jade and Alex had fun with Wendy's dog Brit. Ella rolled all over the floor and we enjoyed lasagna, garlic bread, and desserts. To the hotel for bed.
Sunday morning- day after Christmas and super yummy breakfast at the hotel. Jayne and Keith arrive at 10:30 to babysit the children. Kato and I leave for the Packer Giant game. I have a tummy ache and its hurting pretty bad. I try not to complain, we tailgate with true professional tailgaters and enjoy the Packer Backer pride.
Sunday afternoon- PACKERS DEFEAT THE GIANTS!!!! enough said. It was awesome!!!
Sunday Evening- I am not feeling well at all. Want to sleep but want to visit with cousins more. Can't seem to get warm, still have on two pairs of pants, long johns, thick socks, two shirts, one sweater, under covers and snuggling Ella. Heater is up to 70, everyone else is in shorts or just a diaper.
Monday morning- can't seem to get going, tired, sick, want to be home. Get everything together. Stop at Katers Drive to visit Grandparents. Finally on the way home, sleep for a bit, wake up feeling a little bit better. Get home, unpack, house is trashed still, don't care. Off to bed.
Tuesday morning- feeling much better but not Kato, sorry for sharing. He stayed home from work, good thing too, its not pretty.
Lots of stuff in between but that's the just of it. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed their family. thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Going to see Santa

OH how exciting it is to go see Santa! For he is the one who will grant the wish of all wishes...what I want for Christmas is...You practice saying it, you really want it with every fiber of your body, you dream of it night and day and you are surely going to get it cause you were pretty good this year. With your teeth brushed, hair done just right, the perfect outfit on, you wait in line so patiently. You creep ever so carefully so as not to bump anyone else in line but you just got to get a peek of the all mighty wish granter! You think to yourself is he real? You might even ask someone. Just when the moment to meet him face to face feels like it couldn't get there fast enough, its your turn. This is it and you are ready. You see his smile, you smell his candy canes, and all that is between you and him are a few feet. He sees you, you make eye contact, he says "hello" and you FREAK OUT!! Sometimes tears, sometimes nothing at all, gripping mommy's legs and hands for dear life, not wanting to go any further, and the worst feeling of terror ever. You can't speak, you can't move, and then it happens...Mom! She puts you closer to him and tells you to tell him what you want for Christmas. All you do is shake your head no or scream even louder. Your mother is now sweating buckets. Its been 3 minutes. People are watching. People are waiting. Even though she has no make up on or didn't do her hair, and is wearing sweats Mom gets in mix with you and hates it just as bad. The camera flashes and its over. Getting away as fast as possible you feel great cause you got stickers or a candy cane. Once you are 20 feet away you turn to your mom and say "But Mommy, I didn't tell him what I wanted for Christmas!" She gives you "the look" and then it softens and she says, "don't worry, he already knows, lets go home." Oh how exciting it is to see Santa! thanks for reading xoxo

ps. the best part of the photo is published, you really dont want to see the rest!

Two for two weeks

What happens when you turn two? First your vocabulary instantly doubles and you begin asking "whats this?" to every little thing, even if you know what it is. Then you realize playing in your diaper with that icky smelly stuff can really get some attention. Your strength becomes super human and you are now able to pull yourself up onto anything and everything, and you can actually beat up your bigger brother. Sometime over night it sinks in, that if you just smile and giggle a little, its really cute and you try and get away with more naughtiness then ever before. You want things and you want them NOW and if someone even thinks about saying "just a minute" you are able to throw the biggest fit ever before seen. Every commercial that comes on tv you say "I want it" and you are not happy until someone replies "oh you want that?" just so you can say "yes." Despite your parents efforts to keep you out of things, you MacGyver your way into it and somehow the only tools you need are unknown to them and they are not able to take them away (you'd probably find them anyway). Clothes are definitely over rated and you won't be seen in them by anyone even if its only 10 degrees outside. You love seeing, hearing, watching the same thing over and over and over, especially the ABC song on your laptop. But the best thing of all is no matter how naughty you are time outs only last two minutes and really its not that much longer then one so go for it and be naughty!! thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, December 20, 2010

Alex's 6th Birthday Party

Saturday Alex had a birthday party. It was significant because it was the first party we put together that included people other then family. For the first 5 years we only did family parties. This year he planned who he wanted to invite, what type of cup cakes he wanted, what he wanted to do (although he did change his mind a couple of times), and where to have it. We included him in the decisions and even though we helped him make the decisions that also fit our budgets and abilities, he had the ultimate say. It was hard for me not to invite people that I wanted to have there especially other kids, but it was his party and it was more important to us to have him enjoy it and be around kids he wanted to be around. So I made him vanilla cupcakes, Jayne made him chocolate ones, we had juice and balloons. We rented the community center and played all kinds of sports, basketball, t-ball, kick ball, jump rope, hula hoop, soccer, bowling, Frisbee, and lots of other sports games. He had a great turn out, got some really awesome gifts, and enjoyed every second. It was great having the ability to play inside in a huge area and burn off the cupcakes. Outside is cold and covered in 2 feet of snow. We went out to dinner afterward, watched the A-Team, played with his new toys, and called it a night. I always worry about Alex and Jade because they do have birthdays in December, so close to Christmas and how it would affect their birthdays but this just proves it doesn't even matter and I shouldn't worry anymore. They will have birthday parties with friends and gifts and all the same things that kids born in the summer have and who knows maybe next year we will have a sledding party with snowball fights and hot cocoa. thanks for reading xoxo

Alligator Alex and The Wonder Twins

Friday, Alex had his first school play. He was an alligator. He had one line on his own and he did great! He made some tree ornaments for Kato and I and I was really touched that he took so much pride in what he made. Sometimes he is a little rough around the edges but there are times he is sweet as can be, this was one of those times. After the play we picked up some movies and came home. The boys changed into comfy clothes and Alex could not wait to put on the exact same thing as his Dad. Sometimes things are just perfect. thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, December 19, 2010

215 or bust

Michael had 2 wrestling matches this week and a tournament on Saturday. It was busy. He was sick on Monday and with his match on Tuesday it got the best of him. He was upset by the loss as can be expected but was still struggling to get well. Thursday at Reedsburg he was upset again as his opponent beat him by points with only 10 seconds left in the match. Needless to say his 3rd place State ranking is no longer. He needs to get well and off medicines. He is getting frustrated too. Its time for him to drop down to 189 as wrestling at 215 is difficult when you weigh only 190 and your opponents are up to 15 pounds heavier then you. He took fourth at Marty Loy and I couldn't be more proud. He still wrestled at 215. Who knows maybe wrestling all these giants will help him when he gets to perform at 189. This week he has a tournament, Badger State, once again he will wrestle at 215. Wish him luck. thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, December 13, 2010

Macho Macho....eggs

When my husband and I first met he asked me if I would like to come over to his apartment to have dinner, he was going to cook. I said yes, he asked if I wouldn't mind picking up some stuff. Sure, so I brought some milk and some hamburger, and probably some beer too. He was in the kitchen when I arrived and about 30 minutes later he had fixed me up some super yummy Hamburger Helper. Oh yes, he was putting on the charm. He was so funny cause when he was eating he was so excited to have cooked something so extravagant and delicious for me. He was proud. I was just happy cause I really liked him. So fast forward to these days. He has invented "Macho Eggs" and the kids love them. They cook them almost every weekend. The recipe is simple eggs, and whatever else you can find in the fridge. Usually its meat, such as hard salami, left over taco meat, I think one time he used left over meat loaf, chili johns, bacon bits or even all of the above. They add onions, black olives, green peppers, and top it all off with cheese. Its all scrambled in one pan and served with a side of hashbrown patties. Its macho! Lately Alex has been asking to help in the kitchen and he loves cracking eggs. So a couple weekends ago Alex actually let me take some pics of him cooking his famous "Macho Eggs" with Daddy. Who knows maybe he will become a chef! thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Jade is officially two! She tells you she is TWOOOOOOOOOO. She had a little party including pink and purple cupcakes. She was excited to get a Beauty and the Beast dress up costume from our wonderful neighbors, a pink laptop for herself instead of trying to take Alex's all the time, some new playdoh, a book, sidewalk chalk, and new flannel sheets for her bed!! She is looking forward to going to McDonalds and spending her gift card too. Kato took the day off to have some father daughter time with her since we had to go to his work party that night. He took her shopping at Menards, Walmart, and to get a Christmas tree. They stopped for lunch at McDonalds and they played in the toy area. He spared no expense:) We decorated the kitchen and sang happy birthday. She had a great day, I hope! Saturday she had her two year check up. The doctor had us complete a test for her and she passed with flying colors. I have been concerned about her size for awhile now. She weighed in at 26 pounds which is only in the 10% range, 32 inches long which is 20% range, and her head is still HUGE in the 90% range!! I wondered if she was going to be a little person because she does have some characteristics, to me, of a little person but according to the doctor she is not. He does want to see her again in 3 months for a height/weight check. The other night Kato was out in the living room playing with the kids and I was in another room, Jade must have been playing rough cause I heard him shout out in laughter..."you are not the daughter I expected you to be!" I asked what he meant by that and all he could say was he thought girls were supposed to be sweet and soft, gentle and snugly, and play with dolls and have tea parties. Jade is rough and tough and freakishly strong. She beats up on Alex and can lay out her dad when she runs and tackles him. At least we won't have to worry about her size cause she can definitely defend herself. thanks for reading xoxo

Michael vs. Clinton

Michael had a wrestling match with Clinton on Thursday. He wrestled at 215 and was about 1 foot taller then the other guy but also more cut. Michael has more control this year and seems to be taking his time, wearing down the opponent and using more skills. I was impressed and happy for him when he finally pinned the guy in the 3rd round with only about 15 seconds left. I am looking forward to watching him progress and grow over the season. He really wants to make State this year and I have a feeling he could. thanks for reading xoxo

Ella and the 4 month check up

Ella had a doctors appointment on Monday. She weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces and was 25 inches long. The doctor said she is in good health and was impressed that she is rolling all over, has 2 teeth, and is exceeding all of her mile stones. I guess when you have two older siblings like Alex and Jade you have to do whatever you can to catch up or keep up. She had to get 3 shots and one oral vaccine. I know that shots are important but I hate that feeling I get when the nurse holds their legs down and you have to hold their arms, and with that first shot they look up at you like "why are you doing this to me?" "why is this happening and make it stop!!" I could almost cry myself. At least they forgive quick and don't remember these times. So next we get to give her some cereal. Gosh she is growing up fast!! thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, December 5, 2010

love them #s

Michael got 1st place at the Blackhawk invite yesterday!!

Ella got her second tooth!!

Five inches of snow!!

I like those numbers!!

thanks for reading xoxo

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

I love this time of year. You get cozy, wear flannel, get out your favorite Christmas decorations, eat cookies and drink egg nog ( I don't like egg nog but you probably do). I love it cold on the outside and warm on the inside. I don't like having to bundle up all the kids just to go to the store to get milk and I don't like having to run the van for a half hour just to be able to see out the windows but things can't always be perfect, I guess. The best part of this time of year tho isn't the presents under the tree or the super yummy food cooked by someone else, or even the look on the kids face when they see their stockings full of wonderful goodies, the best part about this time of year is not having to shave your legs as much!!! Oh yes its wonderful. No razor burn, no nicks or cuts, no extra lotion to lather on afterwards, the added warmth and ohhhh the time saved in the shower means more sleeping in for mama!!! Now some of you might think this is gross but its because you have not been married for 10 years, have 4 kids, or a husband that doesn't seem to care as long as it doesn't affect other things besides whats he gonna say I am sure he is packing a little more round the middle for extra warmth too. So thank you Mother Nature for giving us ladies a season off from shaving legs and getting away with it!! thanks for reading xoxo

Indian Art

Alex has been making some really special artwork at school. In the past two weeks he has brought home a dream catcher, which is now hanging above his bed, and a tepee! For some reason he gets embarrassed when people see his work and I hope it is a phase he will grow out of soon because I really enjoy displaying the kids art. I think him and my mom should team up, create a website and sell their awesome crafts. She makes incredible pieces including Indian drums, leather work, gourds, and arrow heads. Together, I think they could make a fortune, to share with me. thanks for reading xoxo