Monday, December 13, 2010

Macho Macho....eggs

When my husband and I first met he asked me if I would like to come over to his apartment to have dinner, he was going to cook. I said yes, he asked if I wouldn't mind picking up some stuff. Sure, so I brought some milk and some hamburger, and probably some beer too. He was in the kitchen when I arrived and about 30 minutes later he had fixed me up some super yummy Hamburger Helper. Oh yes, he was putting on the charm. He was so funny cause when he was eating he was so excited to have cooked something so extravagant and delicious for me. He was proud. I was just happy cause I really liked him. So fast forward to these days. He has invented "Macho Eggs" and the kids love them. They cook them almost every weekend. The recipe is simple eggs, and whatever else you can find in the fridge. Usually its meat, such as hard salami, left over taco meat, I think one time he used left over meat loaf, chili johns, bacon bits or even all of the above. They add onions, black olives, green peppers, and top it all off with cheese. Its all scrambled in one pan and served with a side of hashbrown patties. Its macho! Lately Alex has been asking to help in the kitchen and he loves cracking eggs. So a couple weekends ago Alex actually let me take some pics of him cooking his famous "Macho Eggs" with Daddy. Who knows maybe he will become a chef! thanks for reading xoxo

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