Sunday, December 12, 2010


Jade is officially two! She tells you she is TWOOOOOOOOOO. She had a little party including pink and purple cupcakes. She was excited to get a Beauty and the Beast dress up costume from our wonderful neighbors, a pink laptop for herself instead of trying to take Alex's all the time, some new playdoh, a book, sidewalk chalk, and new flannel sheets for her bed!! She is looking forward to going to McDonalds and spending her gift card too. Kato took the day off to have some father daughter time with her since we had to go to his work party that night. He took her shopping at Menards, Walmart, and to get a Christmas tree. They stopped for lunch at McDonalds and they played in the toy area. He spared no expense:) We decorated the kitchen and sang happy birthday. She had a great day, I hope! Saturday she had her two year check up. The doctor had us complete a test for her and she passed with flying colors. I have been concerned about her size for awhile now. She weighed in at 26 pounds which is only in the 10% range, 32 inches long which is 20% range, and her head is still HUGE in the 90% range!! I wondered if she was going to be a little person because she does have some characteristics, to me, of a little person but according to the doctor she is not. He does want to see her again in 3 months for a height/weight check. The other night Kato was out in the living room playing with the kids and I was in another room, Jade must have been playing rough cause I heard him shout out in laughter..."you are not the daughter I expected you to be!" I asked what he meant by that and all he could say was he thought girls were supposed to be sweet and soft, gentle and snugly, and play with dolls and have tea parties. Jade is rough and tough and freakishly strong. She beats up on Alex and can lay out her dad when she runs and tackles him. At least we won't have to worry about her size cause she can definitely defend herself. thanks for reading xoxo

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