Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

I love this time of year. You get cozy, wear flannel, get out your favorite Christmas decorations, eat cookies and drink egg nog ( I don't like egg nog but you probably do). I love it cold on the outside and warm on the inside. I don't like having to bundle up all the kids just to go to the store to get milk and I don't like having to run the van for a half hour just to be able to see out the windows but things can't always be perfect, I guess. The best part of this time of year tho isn't the presents under the tree or the super yummy food cooked by someone else, or even the look on the kids face when they see their stockings full of wonderful goodies, the best part about this time of year is not having to shave your legs as much!!! Oh yes its wonderful. No razor burn, no nicks or cuts, no extra lotion to lather on afterwards, the added warmth and ohhhh the time saved in the shower means more sleeping in for mama!!! Now some of you might think this is gross but its because you have not been married for 10 years, have 4 kids, or a husband that doesn't seem to care as long as it doesn't affect other things besides whats he gonna say I am sure he is packing a little more round the middle for extra warmth too. So thank you Mother Nature for giving us ladies a season off from shaving legs and getting away with it!! thanks for reading xoxo

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