Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Going to see Santa

OH how exciting it is to go see Santa! For he is the one who will grant the wish of all wishes...what I want for Christmas is...You practice saying it, you really want it with every fiber of your body, you dream of it night and day and you are surely going to get it cause you were pretty good this year. With your teeth brushed, hair done just right, the perfect outfit on, you wait in line so patiently. You creep ever so carefully so as not to bump anyone else in line but you just got to get a peek of the all mighty wish granter! You think to yourself is he real? You might even ask someone. Just when the moment to meet him face to face feels like it couldn't get there fast enough, its your turn. This is it and you are ready. You see his smile, you smell his candy canes, and all that is between you and him are a few feet. He sees you, you make eye contact, he says "hello" and you FREAK OUT!! Sometimes tears, sometimes nothing at all, gripping mommy's legs and hands for dear life, not wanting to go any further, and the worst feeling of terror ever. You can't speak, you can't move, and then it happens...Mom! She puts you closer to him and tells you to tell him what you want for Christmas. All you do is shake your head no or scream even louder. Your mother is now sweating buckets. Its been 3 minutes. People are watching. People are waiting. Even though she has no make up on or didn't do her hair, and is wearing sweats Mom gets in mix with you and hates it just as bad. The camera flashes and its over. Getting away as fast as possible you feel great cause you got stickers or a candy cane. Once you are 20 feet away you turn to your mom and say "But Mommy, I didn't tell him what I wanted for Christmas!" She gives you "the look" and then it softens and she says, "don't worry, he already knows, lets go home." Oh how exciting it is to see Santa! thanks for reading xoxo

ps. the best part of the photo is published, you really dont want to see the rest!

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