Monday, December 20, 2010

Alex's 6th Birthday Party

Saturday Alex had a birthday party. It was significant because it was the first party we put together that included people other then family. For the first 5 years we only did family parties. This year he planned who he wanted to invite, what type of cup cakes he wanted, what he wanted to do (although he did change his mind a couple of times), and where to have it. We included him in the decisions and even though we helped him make the decisions that also fit our budgets and abilities, he had the ultimate say. It was hard for me not to invite people that I wanted to have there especially other kids, but it was his party and it was more important to us to have him enjoy it and be around kids he wanted to be around. So I made him vanilla cupcakes, Jayne made him chocolate ones, we had juice and balloons. We rented the community center and played all kinds of sports, basketball, t-ball, kick ball, jump rope, hula hoop, soccer, bowling, Frisbee, and lots of other sports games. He had a great turn out, got some really awesome gifts, and enjoyed every second. It was great having the ability to play inside in a huge area and burn off the cupcakes. Outside is cold and covered in 2 feet of snow. We went out to dinner afterward, watched the A-Team, played with his new toys, and called it a night. I always worry about Alex and Jade because they do have birthdays in December, so close to Christmas and how it would affect their birthdays but this just proves it doesn't even matter and I shouldn't worry anymore. They will have birthday parties with friends and gifts and all the same things that kids born in the summer have and who knows maybe next year we will have a sledding party with snowball fights and hot cocoa. thanks for reading xoxo

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