Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ella and the 4 month check up

Ella had a doctors appointment on Monday. She weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces and was 25 inches long. The doctor said she is in good health and was impressed that she is rolling all over, has 2 teeth, and is exceeding all of her mile stones. I guess when you have two older siblings like Alex and Jade you have to do whatever you can to catch up or keep up. She had to get 3 shots and one oral vaccine. I know that shots are important but I hate that feeling I get when the nurse holds their legs down and you have to hold their arms, and with that first shot they look up at you like "why are you doing this to me?" "why is this happening and make it stop!!" I could almost cry myself. At least they forgive quick and don't remember these times. So next we get to give her some cereal. Gosh she is growing up fast!! thanks for reading xoxo

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