Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friday, Christmas, Sunday, Monday

Its been an exciting few days...

Christmas Eve- Jayne and Keith came over for dinner and gifts. Good company, good food, good wine, and good night! After they left and the kids were in bed, Santa came to deliver presents. Because Santa's number 1 helper fell asleep with the children and the number 2 helper was downstairs on the phone with his girlfriend, Santa worked alone. Once it was done both helpers decided to show up to help but it was too late, next year some people may only get reindeer poop in their stocking.
Christmas morning- the excitement was overwhelming and the small children could not contain their eagerness to open everything all at once. They all were happy with the gifts and clean up took a very long time. In fact its Tuesday and we are still working on getting it cleaned up. Christmas afternoon- drive to Green Bay. It was a good drive the children napped and Kato and I actually were able to have conversations without interruptions, it was really nice.
Christmas evening-Dinner at Aunt Wendy's with Aunt Barb, Uncle Jim, Jayne, Keith, Matt, and Erin. It was Keith's side of the family. Jade and Alex had fun with Wendy's dog Brit. Ella rolled all over the floor and we enjoyed lasagna, garlic bread, and desserts. To the hotel for bed.
Sunday morning- day after Christmas and super yummy breakfast at the hotel. Jayne and Keith arrive at 10:30 to babysit the children. Kato and I leave for the Packer Giant game. I have a tummy ache and its hurting pretty bad. I try not to complain, we tailgate with true professional tailgaters and enjoy the Packer Backer pride.
Sunday afternoon- PACKERS DEFEAT THE GIANTS!!!! enough said. It was awesome!!!
Sunday Evening- I am not feeling well at all. Want to sleep but want to visit with cousins more. Can't seem to get warm, still have on two pairs of pants, long johns, thick socks, two shirts, one sweater, under covers and snuggling Ella. Heater is up to 70, everyone else is in shorts or just a diaper.
Monday morning- can't seem to get going, tired, sick, want to be home. Get everything together. Stop at Katers Drive to visit Grandparents. Finally on the way home, sleep for a bit, wake up feeling a little bit better. Get home, unpack, house is trashed still, don't care. Off to bed.
Tuesday morning- feeling much better but not Kato, sorry for sharing. He stayed home from work, good thing too, its not pretty.
Lots of stuff in between but that's the just of it. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed their family. thanks for reading xoxo

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