Monday, July 12, 2010

7 days left...

Friday was my last day of daycare before starting maternity leave. The kids played outside and for the most part they did pretty well. I think the kids are just as ready for a break from each other as I was. Please don't take it the wrong way, but there is only so much arguing, bickering, fighting, crying, and whining that one person can take. I am sure it would be easier if I wasn't pregnant and my patience level would be higher. So while I will miss them a time out is definitely in order.
Kato has been working so hard around here getting things ready. I feel bad that I don't have enough energy to keep up. I get so tired and am so huge that its difficult for me to get things done. I work for a few minutes and then have to rest cause I get a dizzy feeling. Plus just walking upstairs gives me contractions, which now make it really hard to breathe. Sleeping has always been a issue too so I don't get enough or just wake up and feel unrested and tired still. I love my husband and know that I am not always as kind to him as I should be. I am sorry. I don't know what I would do without him. There are times that I want to tape his mouth shut or put him outside but the reality is that its mostly just me being a little bitchy..ok alot bitchy. I know its only temporary and because I am uncomfortable, I just hope he knows that too. Seven days left.
My mom and grandma should be here soon and I am looking forward to it. Friday night was a huge reality check for me as I prepared the babies bed in my room. I opened the size 1 pack of diapers, got the diaper genie ready, got out my hospital bag and readied my breast pump (just in case its needed). Sorry if that was TMI but thats reality. I got a baby book finally and just need to gather some photos of the kids when they were first born and get the one of Kato so we can compare the looks of each one once this baby arrives. Still are working on the name and honestly I don't really know if she will have a name the first day or not. Any suggestions? Please note our last name is Katers and NO I am not naming her Forna!!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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