Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Its not everyday that my three kids sit down and have breakfast together, especially just the three of them. So this morning they all had cereal while watching Spongebob. Pretty soon it will be four of them and I don't know if they will all fit into the photo:)

My mom and grandma should be here tomorrow. They called last night from Billings, I think. They ordered some pizza and were going to hunker down for the night. Kinda cool to have a mother/daughter road trip even at their age. I hope the sunflowers are out in North Dakota so my grandma can enjoy the view. Its pretty amazing that for miles and miles there is nothing but sunflower fields. When we moved out here (it was in August) the fields were never ending. I don't know if they will get to see it but I hope they do. I can't wait for them to arrive. We have some storms brewing which I hope they will miss.

Friday I have an appointment at the hospital for the pre op stuff. Thursday I have my final OB appointment. Can't believe its almost over, sure seemed to go fast. 4 more days. thanks for reading xoxo

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