Thursday, July 29, 2010

Screamin Demon in the house!!

We have now been home for 8 days and there have been a few ups and downs. Jade was really jealous of the baby and doesn't seem to understand that you have to be gentle. She enjoys poking the baby and pinching the baby. The best part is when Daddy gets home and she turns into a pure evil screamin demon!! The whiny whines and screams of pure displeasure over her daddy not picking her up right away has started to get to me. I scolded her and got really upset the other night when we were up at the dinner table eating and all she wanted to do was whine and fuss and eventually scream. I took her into the bathroom so I could calm her down and explain that she was being naughty but it only enraged her more. She ended up going up to her room alone and I put her in her crib which she quickly and all of sudden figured out how to climb out of. She actually flips herself over the side and accepts her fate of landing on her back right on the floor. I freaked out cause she could hurt herself and break her neck. Anyway, Kato and I needed to figure out what to do to help her adjust and get to the point where she is tolerable again. We made her a special bag of new toys that only come out when mommy is feeding the baby, thanks to Aunt Jennie for that suggestion. As it turned out it works really well. We put her at the table closer to Daddy and are working on saying "show me" more. It is nice when she can show you what she wants. We got darker curtains for her room to help her sleep deeper and longer in the mornings since the super cute ones she has let in bright sunlight. I try harder to let her interact with Ella when I am holding her and just keep my cool when she starts poking and pinching. I try to distract her more when she starts acting up. So far all these efforts are paying off cause today she was actually sweet to Ella giving her a good night kiss and she didn't pinch or poke today. The transition is difficult for everyone but more for Jade so what ever we need to do to get over the hump we will do it. Wish us luck. thanks for reading xoxo

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