Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For the On Call Dad...

Its not always easy having a husband who has to be "on call" for work. Friday was a good day. The kids played outside in the water and had fun. I was looking forward to some down time when my husband came home and was immediately working. He got a call and of course the right thing to do would have been to just stay outside because once the kids see him they go crazy. They run to him screaming with excitement and when he turns them away it makes for broken hearts. So then out comes the computer and he is on the phone working while all Alex and Jade want is some attention from him. He gets frustrated cause he is trying to work and the kids are frustrated cause its their time with their dad. Its a loss on both sides. Anyway, I get upset cause he is pissy and taking it out on the kids by telling them to be quiet or no no don't touch that. It was just a big ol mess!!! I take the kids and go get some dinner. He is upset cause I took the kids with me. What was I supposed to do? Leave them there while he was working and growling, NO I brought them so maybe he could get something done. I really wanted a relaxing Friday but it was just not in the cards for me. So he ends up leaving to go work which was fine cause I understand but the kids didn't. He didn't get home until after 5am. Alex tried to stay up and wait for him. He kept asking when he was coming home. I hated it. I had no answer and I honestly didn't want to hear him ask one more time. Finally I told him that Daddy had to go to work and it would take a really long time and the best thing to do is to go to sleep cause the time would go by faster and by the time he woke up Daddy would be home. So finally about 11 he was ready to sleep. I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. I know that my husbands job is important but I hate it when it comes between family time. For future reference and for those of you who have "on call jobs" and kids...stay out of the house unless you are ready to commit at least 15 minutes to your young children who look forward to seeing you all day. Then after the thrill of "Daddy's Home!" is gone, proceed with your on call business. You think this is the wrong answer well let me explain it this way...the work problem is temporary and insignificant and it will still be there in 15 minutes for you to fix. You can lie to your work and say you are working on it and will call you back in a few minutes or something like that. Your children are also temporary but are the most important thing in your life besides your wife, they grow up and leave and you will NEVER get this moment back. When you look back on your life are you going to regret spending time with your kids or spending time pushing them away so you can work. Yes your job is important and I understand that sometimes you have to leave to do it but come on, giving your kids some undivided attention when you walk through that door is going to be how they remember you, not how you turned the power back on at some work site. It sucks when they ask Mom "why does Daddy have to leave all the time?" You can explain it until you are blue in the face but all they know is you weren't there. So do whatever you want but take it from a mom who has had to explain to all of her kids why their Dad is not around, set a good example and give them the 15 minutes they deserve of undivided attention and just see how much better things can be when you have to be an "on call" Dad. Especially for your wife. thanks for reading xoxo

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