Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grandpa Zak is HERE!!!

Ella has been making the cutest faces and noises when she sleeps. Squeaking and giggling with bits of pucker lips and a couple of grunts. Babies have got to be the sweetest things and its just too sad that the baby part doesn't last longer. My dad arrived today by train from Washington state. Its wonderful to have him here not just cause its great to see him but because its good for my mom who has been away from him for a couple of weeks now. Both my parents have quit smoking (read prior posts for more on that one) and I couldn't be more proud. Especially since my dad said to me once he would never quit cause he never wants to. Its nice to hear them getting healthy again. He had some back trouble awhile ago and had to undergo some physical therapy which taught him some exercises that he does every morning. I couldn't believe it no smoking and now doing some exercises!! Don't get me wrong he is not doing the PX90 program but I think its great he is just doing something. I guess with all the babies I am having they really want to be around to see them grow up. He brought Ella a beautiful baby ring that he picked out. Super sweet huh? Hope both my parents know I appreciate everything they have done for us during the baby birthing process. Its not easy leaving your spouse for long periods of time to be far away and I know this because I had to do it with Kato for a long time. I just think its wonderful of them to be here for this joyous time. They were there for my first and here they are for my last. Love em!!! Hope the weather is nice this weekend so we can enjoy a good old fashioned cook out followed by smores around the fire and maybe some stories or songs from the good ol days!! They are planning on leaving in a few short days. Thanks for reading xoxo

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