Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last Day Of Pregnancy...

Sunday, my last day of pregnancy for the rest of my life. Kinda surreal. Not that I am not ready to be done having babies its just I really like being pregnant and being a mom. Not that the amount of kids make you more of a mom its just the new baby thing that will be missed. Woke up at 3:56 this morning. Made some lists of things that need to get done and started looking for all the photos of the kids when they were first born to take to the hospital. Its fun to compare those photos. The part I am going to miss the most about being pregnant is the movements and flutters of the baby inside. Its something only I know is happening unless I tell someone and I like that I get to be the first one to feel the baby. I won't miss the stuffy nose I get when pregnant. I will miss the wonderment of whats to come and if its a boy or a girl. I won't miss the pressure of naming the baby. I am ready to get my body back into shape but will miss the big belly and the nice big boobs cause once you finish breastfeeding...well theres not much left for a while. I won't miss my swollen feet and ankles but it will be nice to fit back into normal shoes. I am also looking forward to having my energy back but know it will take awhile cause the kid will keep me up at night. Unless I get lucky and have a good sleeper. Anyway, the last day of pregnancy is enough to make you cry and jump up and down with delight. Its bittersweet and if nothing else something I will always cherish and be thankful that I was able to do. I will never regret having my children and at this point I probably won't regret not having more cause the fulfilling feeling that our family is complete is growing with every second I wait to meet our little priceless gem. thanks for reading xoxo

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