Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alex lost a tooth!

Saturday was a busy day for us. Not only did we have a million gazillion bazillion leaves to rake up but we also had a very exciting Badger game to watch and tacos to make. Not only that but Alex naturally lost his first tooth!! Naturally because he did have a tooth pulled back in August. He bit into an apple and his bottom wiggly tooth got really loose and started to bleed. He freaked out and needed to see the dentist right away. He settled for a phone call to the dentist and thank goodness when I called the office (which was actually my moms house) the dentist was there to take his call (which was actually my brother) and answer his questions. He hadn't lost it yet but soon after the phone call and just before eating his soft taco he pulled it out himself. Since he supposedly doesn't believe in the tooth fairy he didn't put it under his pillow but thank goodness the tooth fairy came at 5am with four quarters and a note thanking him for another perfect tooth for her collection. At 7:30am he ran into my room stating the tooth fairy didn't come but that was because he hadn't found the note and quarters she left for him at the table. I explained she didn't leave it under his pillow cause the tooth wasn't left there and next time he should put it under his pillow. We will see what happens at that time. At school on Tuesday (he was sick on Monday) he hopped out of the van and immediately told the school helper he lost his tooth. Its nice to hear he was proud. thanks for reading xoxo

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